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Discover Mud & Spirit

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This project explores what I think we humans are at our most basic: mud and spirit.  We are made of the  earth… and something more. Our lives are precious, and fleeting. I’ll poke around at the margins of our experience of being this odd kind of hybrid creature: at the same time star-dust and breath of God. We’ll touch on theology, spirituality, along with the occasional recipe for some mouth-watering barbeque or some other dish that your personal trainer would not recommend. Along the way we might find ourselves dabbling in political philosophy or national security strategy or meditating on the pastoral themes of terrible loss and surprising joy. Cross country skiing, hiking, scuba diving fishing, pheasant hunting could find their way in. All of this while attempting to keep feet on earth and eyes toward heaven: what better posture for a creature of mud and spirit?

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Bishop Bill Tesch

My personal mission statement is: “A Follower of Jesus: Creating Gospel Collaborations with Faithfulness, Authenticity and Love.” I live out this followership by being present to others as husband, father, son, friend and pastor. I currently serve as the Bishop of the Northwestern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). I’ve been a pastor of a small rural church, started a new congregation, worked for the Churchwide office of the ELCA, and formed a consulting practice. I am also a member of the United States Military holding the rank of Colonel and serving as the Assistant to the Command Chaplain for USAF Air Combat Command. Admittedly, it’s an odd conglomeration of commitments, but it’s where this venture has brought me. Each day is a wonder, an ever-deepening mystery. Thanks be to God.

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